Well, it's a new year and time for new things. For me, I plan on shooting exclusively in the 6x17 format as much as possible for my fine art work. I'm also planning on finishing my book written on panoramic photography in both digital and film mediums. I will market this book to publishers and if that doesn't work out, produce it myself. My goals aren't necessarily huge, but they need to be accomplished. I also plan to work on images that continue to push myself outside the box on what I normally do.
I'd like to take a second and thank everyone who has supported me, encouraged me, and helped me throughout the past year. This definitely includes my fine collectors - for without them I would be nowhere. You are my inspiration to provide more high quality images for you to hang on your walls. It also includes my wonderful wife who let's follow my heart with photography and my parents who also provide plenty of support. (Not to mention, strokes of the ego! Good family!) Thank you all!
In the month of January, I will be published in two magazines this month on scanning methods for medium and large format film utilizing more budget-minded products. In an economy like this, not all of us can afford to drop five to ten thousand - if not more - on ultra-high quality drum scanners or have people that do have them scan them for us. Both magazines are available internationally. The first is View Camera magazine, produced and edited by Steve Simmons. The second is Panorama - The Journal of Panoramic Imaging produced by the International Association of Panoramic Imaging.
On that note, I take great pleasure in telling everyone that I have also been voted in as a member of the board of directors for the International Association of Panoramic Photography. We, as a board, have great plans to conduct multiple workshops throughout the United States along with an international convention scheduled for 2010 more than likely in the Southwest.
Well, I do hope that you all have a wonderful year and capture beautiful images. Please feel free to contact me at any time with your comments on any of my articles or any other questions related to panoramic images or scanning methods.
Now, get out there and start shooting!
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