That is the only question I could ask. I'm at Dennys, on the way home, after shooting in Yosemite National Park for the day. I want to see what I've got, so I start downloading the JPeg images to my laptop to get some sort of idea. At least I could see some of the digital stuff prior to getting all my 6x17 and 4x5 images processed. So I get the above image processed and looking good and our waitress comes to the table and says, "Wow, that's so beautiful."
She then follows up with, "Where's that at?"
Why would you not want to travel a whole two and a half hours to see one of America's most prized natural beauties? Why would you not want to see something so visually stunning that it can just shut you up with one look. Throw in beautiful light and the awe you'll endure will be pricesless. Watching the sun set and the moon rise over Half Dome, El Capitan and, Bridal Veil Falls was just one of those experiences that I will likely never forget. Prolific just doesn't begin to describe it. The thing is, is it happens every day and night.
Anyway, I'm not trying to tear this poor girl down. It was obvious to me that she has lived a very sheltered small-town life. Some people just do not understand the whole traveling thing. What I cannot understand is why you wouldn't want to see something new. So, with that, I hope that you like my new offering to you all. It's a high dynamic range photograph developed with five seperate images.
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